
Showing posts from January, 2012

Herbal Medicine Chest Classes in Champaign Urbana, Central Illinois

Wise Weeds Botanical Studies: Herbal Medicine Chest Course Medicinal Herbalist (and owner of Beads N Botanicals) Catherine Novak, will teach this course. She says, "Over the years, I’ve discovered that each individual herb has so much to teach us about healing and our relationship to nature. Just when I make the mistake of thinking I know almost everything about an herb’s properties, I learn of another through direct life experience or knowledge shared with me by herbalists whom I respect." This course will cover between 25 and 50 herbs.   The Herbal Medicine Chest covers holistic approaches to “medicine,” a traditional Chinese medicine view of “medicine,” and a Native American perspective on “medicine.”  You will learn how to use herbs safely and responsibly; m ethods of preparing herbs; s uggested herbs to keep on hand for everyday use;  how to make herbal oil infusions and salves; and how to use wild edibles as food and medicine. Herbal Classes will be held at Be...

Decorate Your Own Smudge Feather

Decorate Your Own Smudge Feather. Embellish your own personal smudge feather. You will make a handle, wrap it and decorate your feather. Feather care will be discussed as well as instruction on how to use your feather. Basic materials are included. Cost: $45 Saturday, January 28, 1pm-3:30pm  Cost: Payment required - $45 includes all materials. Pre-register & prepay for both this class and the Sacred Art of Smudging at 11am for only $50 (a $10 savings)

The Sacred Art of Smudging

The Sacred Art of Smudging: Learn what smudging is, what to use, how to smudge, why we smudge and the benefits of regular energetic cleansing. Reiki master Marlita teaches this class. Cost: $15. Saturday, January 28, 11am-12noon Cost: Payment required - $15. Take both this class and Decorate Your Own Smudge Feather at 1pm for only $50, pre-paid & pre-registered (a savings of $10)

Beginning Aura Reading Class

Beginning Aura Reading with Debra Joy at Beads N Botanicals Cost: Payment required - Cost: $20 pre-registered by February 4; $25 thereafter and at the door. Beginning Aura Reading with Debra Joy Hart, R.N., CLL (Certified Laughter Leader). Find out what an aura is, why it is important, ways to sense and feel auric energies, as well as a bit about chakras and how they relate to color/energy. Develop your own personal seeing/ sensing style. Debra Joy is also a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. Cost: $20 pre-registered by February 4; $25 thereafter and at the door. Thursday, February 9, 6pm to 7:30pm Beads N Botanicals 117 N Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 217-365-9355

Psychic & Health Fair in Champaign Urbana, Central Illinois

Psychic & Health Fair on Saturday, January 21, 2012 10am to 5pm Location: Beads N Botanicals 117 North Broadway Ave Urbana, IL 61801 217-365-9355 Future Fairs: March 24, May 19 & June 30, 2012