Herbal Medicine Chest Classes in Champaign Urbana, Central Illinois

Wise Weeds Botanical Studies: Herbal Medicine Chest Course

Medicinal Herbalist (and owner of Beads N Botanicals) Catherine Novak, will teach this course. She says, "Over the years, I’ve discovered that each individual herb has so much to teach us about healing and our relationship to nature. Just when I make the mistake of thinking I know almost everything about an herb’s properties, I learn of another through direct life experience or knowledge shared with me by herbalists whom I respect."

This course will cover between 25 and 50 herbs.

 The Herbal Medicine Chest covers holistic approaches to “medicine,” a traditional Chinese medicine view of “medicine,” and a Native American perspective on “medicine.”

 You will learn how to use herbs safely and responsibly; methods of preparing herbs; suggested herbs to keep on hand for everyday use;  how to make herbal oil infusions and salves; and how to use wild edibles as food and medicine.
Herbal Classes will be held at

Beads N Botanicals, 117 N Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
E-mail: beadsnbotanicals@gmail.com
Five Weeks on Wednesday nights, from 6pm to 7:30pm. starting June 6th  through July 18th
  (Classes are on June 6, 20, 27, July 18 & 25) Cost: $150 per person, due by May 19th.  Or $125 prepaid by May 5th  Pre-payment and pre-registration required. Minimum of three students required for this class to run with no more than eight students. (we will have a waiting list for more than 8 students)
