Cleaning House: The Ins & Outs of Smudging & Clearing

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Smudging has been used for centuries to rid area of negative energy or spirits. It involves burning certain dried herbs to form a smoke bath that cleanses and purifies people, objects and homes. This workshop will detail how to cleanse and bless your home and/or workspace, whether you are just moving in, or freshening it up.

You will also learn about how often and when it is appropriate to cleanse and clear your apartment, house or workplace.

Class takes place Saturday, October 12th
4pm to 5pm
Cost: $15
Location: Beads N Botanicals

117 N Broadway Aveue
Urbana, IL 61801
Class is also being offered on Saturday, November 9 @4pm

117 North Broadway Ave, Urbana, Illinois 61801
