Looking to clear energy in your office, home, dorm room or apartment?

Looking to clear energy in your office, home, dorm room or apartment?
There are many occasions when you may want to perform a major purification of your residence or workplace. Smudging has been used for centuries to rid area of negative energy or spirits. It usually involves burning certain dried herbs to form a smoke bath that cleanses and purifies people, objects and homes.

The ritual of smudging can be defined as "spiritual house cleaning." The smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy. 

Smudging before you move in will give you the opportunity to clear out the energies of the previous tenants/owners. You can cleanse and then bless/dedicate the space to your household. Smudging after moving in gives you the opportunity to ensure that any negativity from a previous residence is cleared from your possessions.

But what if you can't burn anything in your dorm room, office, apartment or home? Either the dorm rules prohibit any open flames, your workspace doesn't allow smoke or someone is asthmatic and can't handle the smoke.  You can still clear stagnant energy by using a Smudge spray made with herbs and essential oils.

I've been making and using smudge sprays for my business, home and clients for several years now. They're a great way to freshen up the energy of a space. I've used them to calm down an area after drama queens (whether teenagers or adults) have spewed negative vibes.

Some clients use them in their workplace as a subtle but effective way to clear out negative back biting. Others have used the smudge spray to freshen up the energy in nursing homes. Teachers clear chaotic energy in their classrooms. 

Smudge Sprays at Beads N Botanicals

Cleaning House: the Ins & Outs of Smudging
